#6 Dysfunctional Spiritual Male Energy Field
- Kay Urlich
The inner child is the vulnerable aspect of the Spiritual Male Energy Field that people are familiar with. It exists within men and women. It contains our innocence, mercy, and connection to higher consciousness. In the positive aspect the Spiritual Male energy it encompasses wonder, joy, creativity, and playfulness, and leads us to our higher dimensional possibilities.
Under normal circumstances the dysfunctional inner child we know as our most vulnerable inner self, that embodies the emotions, memories, experiences, and characteristics from one's childhood, both positive and negative.
In extreme cases such as when taking Methamphetamine, the Spiritual Male Energy Field gets cuts off from empathy, and mercy: Methamphetamine use can leave the person disconnected from their consciousness. And sadly, too often they know not what they do.
Then instead of seeing a healthy well-adjusted Spiritual Male Energy Field (See #2), as expanding enlightenment, the Christ, Buddha, Mohammed energies, Archangels; littles seed angels sprinkling joy over everyone. I will see these energies as the inner child blocked off and out of their body unable to return, stuck on cliffs, beaten, locked in cages, little soldiers who don’t know the war is over, dead lions, washed down rivers, little mouse feeling powerless, stuck in ice, caves, floating in the universe held by angels and much more.
The dysfunctional inner child, as well as carrying the fears, traumas, and unresolved issues, grows into adulthood with varying degrees of psychological problems.
Like Stephen who was lethargic, negative, and would burst out in rage at his family. However, he was happy to go drinking with his mates. He came for a healing because his wife threatened to divorce him if he did not take action to deal with the violence and abuse from childhood.
When I looked at his Spiritual Male energy field, I saw a frightened child hanging over a balcony looking at his Earth Male energy field. The child wanted to join the man; he wanted to be grown but he was afraid of the power of his anger and he didn’t trust himself. We strengthened the power of Stephens mercy for himself and during the second sessions he said, in effect, he didn’t feel “manly” was not going to get “all girly” and he left. His wife later relayed to me that they had separated because of his unwillingness to control his emotions and anger.
Unprocessed childhood experiences can hinder the ability to trust others, lead to fear of intimacy, or create unhealthy attachment styles. This may result in conflict or isolation in personal and professional relationships. But to heal the dysfunctional fields in all of us, we must first acknowledge that there is a problem.
Like Peter Pan who refuses to grow up and face the world of adulthood people will avoid the pain and keep a distance from the fear that comes from adult responsibilities. Many will need alcohol or drugs to find the joy: instead of joy they are more likely to become pleasure bound with drugs and porn to fill the aching inner need.
This reflects the duality of the Spiritual Male energy field when disconnected from the Spiritual Female energy field and unable to find higher consciousness. Instead, there is the underlying stories remembered from childhood of the wicked stepmother who threw children in ovens and ate them, and we came to distrust the feminine in ourselves. However, we cannot heal child abuse in the outer world until we are willing to heal the child in ourselves.
Individuals struggle with personal development, keeping them from realizing their potential or pursuing fulfilling lives, cannot satisfy their unmet needs which lead to difficulty managing emotions, resulting in mood swings, anxiety, or depression.
Unhealed inner child wounds manifests in recurring patterns in relationships, such as seeking out emotionally unavailable partners, repeating familial dynamics, or engaging in self-sabotaging behaviours contributing to feelings of inadequacy, neglect, leading to chronic low self-esteem and self-worth issues.
Avoiding the inner child results in suppressing creativity and joy. Neglecting this aspect can lead to a lack of inspiration, joy, and spontaneity in life. Unhealed wounds may cause individuals to project their unresolved issues onto others, leading to misunderstandings and conflict.
As Clarissa Pinkola Estes explains in Running with Wolves, ‘denying anger and pain does not work. If a man (or woman) is instinct injured they are typically faced several challenges regarding rage. First, they often have challenges with intrusion recognition; they are slow to notice territory violations and do not register their own anger until it is upon them…their temper comes upon them is a sort of ambush…With girls this lag is the results in not noticing dissension and becoming peacemakers at all cost, not to interfere and withstand the pain until everything calms down or temporarily goes away.’
Girls like Miranda, who could not ‘find herself’. I found her Spiritual Male energy hidden behind an open door where she stood quietly trying to be invisible. Invisible Miranda showed up where her family and friends expected to, but she never said much for fear of being put down or criticised. When she was a child her family had put her in the middle of conflict where she had to make choices between her parents when they divorced. And she could not please either of them. Energetically we took her to a garden where the grass was green and the foliage lush. Here Miranda felt content and nourished and was able to grow emotionally among such a life-giving environment.
The transformation of feeling unloved and inferior into recognizing one's inherent worth and beauty. This narrative speaks to the inner child's journey of self-acceptance and healing.
We are the product of our parents, and they their parents and to break the cycle we need to do things differently. Like the uncertain nature of Achilles birth. Both Zeus and Poseidon wanted to have a son by the beautiful Thetis but Prometheus, the fire god, had warned them that her offspring would be greater than his father. Anxious to avoid the emergence of a power superior to themselves, the gods arranged the marriage to a mortal. Source The Encyclopaedia of Classical Mythology by Arther Cotterell.
Myth and legend serve as powerful reminders of the significance and importance of the inner child and its healing and growth, and how we cannot avoid the physical cost. Embracing the lessons from these stories to facilitate personal development and healing as we merge into something greater than our minds can comprehend.
But if the Spiritual Female Energy Field strength is blocked from accessing and nourishing the child, and we remain unaware of ourselves as powerful, compassionate, and conscious beings our energy is then the tool of our inadequacies, inferiorities, and traumas to be used against us.
We cannot heal child abuse in the outer world until we are willing to heal the child in ourselves.
Until those changes occur, there will be no peace personally or globally because until the protector of the child the Divine Mother is free, Her nemesis the Earth Male Energy Field will not let go his hold on power.
Find out more about dysfunctional fields next week #6 The Dysfunctional Earth Male Energy Field
#holyghost #feminine #masculine #Virginbirth #Christ #spiritual #consciousness #myth #legend #burnwitches
Bits of this work is from my books www.kayurlich.com/books
If you have questions, I will do my best to answer in the following articles.
These articles are posted on my website www.kayurlich.com/blog or find out more at www.peacethroughcompassion.net
Thank you!