Our Purpose:
To Stand Up for Peace
Our Mission:
Peace Through Compassion (PTC) is for people who believe that the 'construct of war and corruption’ is a paradigm to be changed: it is for those who will stand up and be counted on to unite and organize for Peace.
"Those who Love Peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who Love War." Martin Luther King
What would people one hundred years ago have thought about going to the moon, or TV, and the internet; about the amount of technical progress made – and yet sadly, still, no peace? Why is it that the seemingly fantastic and improbable has been brought to fruition in some ways, but not in others?
There is ample proof that when we humans set our minds to do something it happens. And, like TV, going to the moon, and the internet, we plan for Peace to happen: but to achieve this we must care for all children as we would our own. No matter the setbacks we face we know the first rocket to the moon was on course only 3% of the time: 97% was about making corrections.
PTC is promoting the ways of resolution through greater awareness of the power we each have to correct. There is ample evidence to show that compassion increases people's empathy and understanding abilities. In this, we awaken the forces that lie dormant to support the progress already made: it is about 'doing love' as we bring alive the possibility of local and global harmony.
Peace is possible - but to achieve it, we must organize and align with other PeaceMakers to build into a united powerful force
In a world dominated by the noise and turmoil of politics and war, if we want peace, then we must be seen to want it: the reason being that if we don't Stand for Love, who will? I know Peace is possible because when we humans think differently, we bring forth answers that were previously unimaginable. (Read Peace Through Compassion: I belong to love)
Similar to a 'split' in the personality, the problems we face are no different where we have been divided and conquered which reflects globally. Just as we would unite the body, mind, and spirit to heal ourselves, so too 'we must organize and unite effectively' in the community. It is well documented that when people get together to find solutions they can create compassionate environments where children are supported and cared for, as this happens they progress faster as their brains are more fully formed then, exponentially, the family, and society benefit. We are more likely to get 'impossible' things done under the 'neutral' flag of compassion and 'goodwill.'
Resolution is more than having ‘peace talks.' It is about transformation through empathy and united action' that ends the conflict and then sharing the results in society
What would people one hundred years from now think as the bombs get bigger and the 1% get wealthier; would you wonder why the seemingly fantastic and improbable has been brought to fruition in some ways, but not in others? Would you wonder why no one taught your grandchildren and great-grandchildren how to be free from separation and conflict? Would they ask...
Why is it that
"No one taught us how to be free?
We had only ever been taught how to die for freedom."
Svetlana Alexievich, Secondhand Time: An Oral History of the Fall of the Soviet Union
The Reality of Love may seem implausible to many, however, after many profound spiritual encounters I know that love creates extraordinary actions that bring about immense change. I have had amazing, beautiful, out-of-this-world experiences that proved to me that peace is not only possible but that compassion, not competition, is our most natural state.
And this is why - despite the present global challenges - I created the Peace Through Compassion movement to stand up for the ‘Evidence of Peace.' To show there is an abundance of generosity, grace, and unity among us just waiting to connect. It is up to us to spread this force first by identifying the primary causes of injustice, poverty, and conflict, and then to Stand For the Change We Want in the local and global systems. Find out more about the Aotearoa Vision
It is Time to Act!
No matter how big or small we feel, we each have something to contribute to humanity.
What are the little or big things you do that benefit others?
If you are working on solutions then write to us and we can post it on our Affiliates page: speak up! sign up! stand up! You are a living force for peace!
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world..." Marianne Williamson
Stand for Love Join our Affiliate Program