#3 The Earth Male Energy Field
- Kay Urlich
Each of us has the power to change our lives and affect the lives of others and our community. Starting by aligning ourselves with the four fields. Understanding most of all that you are the power in your life: what you think, what you do, and how you treat those around you matters.
The Earth Male energy field exists in all of us. It symbolizes men in the world and the physical actions we take, it represents the masculine energy along with logic, independence, and competition.
Children, generally, are filled with inspiration and bursting with curiosity. They live in the moment creating, learning and exploring. With the help of parents and teachers, children grow in experience and gain in knowledge. Boys and girls learn about the world around them by studying, reading and watching movies all the while soaking up the negative and positive aspects of their culture.
But most of us grow up with things we would like to change or areas in relationships that cause problems. So what happens between birth and adulthood? As adults, we are motivated in much of what we do by our unconscious mind; we are often unaware of why we do many things. Many times the unconscious mind takes us to places we would not normally go. So why do we choose to do one thing and not the other? Why do we choose one book and not another?
According to Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, ‘… voluminous evidence from decades of research that shows little if any sex-based differences in infants or toddlers. At those early stages when culture has the least effect but sex hormone levels are extremely high, no sex-based differences have shown themselves in a huge variety of skills that underlie mathematical thinking.’
Yet, men and women suffer. And until recently women were behind in mathematics. Other skills also show up as divided into male or female tasks or chores depending on sex differences.’
Because all people have male and female, earth and spiritual energy, when people arrive for healing, I never ask about the problem they're having. I never assume their problems are based on their gender. I wait to see what image emerges from their energy fields, and whether they understand its meaning, or not, and most people do because it is a reflection of what they’re feeling.
Most societies expect men to have qualities of masculinity and competition and to take a leading role in relationships. Yet the Earth Male Energy Field is just as strong in women and reflects the action they take. Plus it mirrors the men in their life, father, husband or lover.
For instance, in one woman I saw an image of a man skiing down a snowy slope then he disappeared out of sight. When I conveyed what I saw she said that was what always happened: she would date a man a few times then she would never hear from them again.
David was unable to move forward he felt stuck, which is a general theme of this field and unable to take action. I saw the Earth Male energy struck in concrete surrounded by a dull parched environment. As I worked with him his energy was released from the concrete and the environment brightened as he moved forward freely… then the image changed and I saw a figure walking down a solid path surrounded by lush green fields finding its way.
Another woman who idolized her father had been married for over 20 years and the marriage was deteriorating. Her husband complained she always put her father first. When I looked at her energy I saw her father stuck in her Earth Male energy field he was removed as the healing progressed. This released her from the attachment to him. With greater awareness, both were able to move forward with more understanding and responsiveness.
In the global fields when the Earth Male energy is aligned with the Spiritual Male and female energy fields he is connected to consciousness: he values and promotes the aspects of innocence, mercy, curiosity, inspiration, and compassion and empathy. He is self-driven yet works for the good of the whole: the whole self the whole society. Not hoarding his wealth and fortune. He does not work solely for self-aggrandisement.
Personal fields expand into global fields. The separation of personal energy fields due to racism and misogyny in a person’s family and culture leads to the separation of global fields which causes misunderstanding and conflict and impacts mostly on the lives of the poor.
For instance Armatya Sen Nobel Prize recipient for Economics. Was an expert in Economics and Economic Theory, Ethics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, and too many awards to list here talks of the culturally separatist view, “against the intense consciousness of the separateness of one’s own people from others.”
As mentioned in #2 The Spiritual Male Energy Field affects us all as the inner child energy is traumatised. Sen goes on to say how poverty leads to greater separation and instability and how when he was a young child, he witnessed mindless violence of separatism. One afternoon in Dhaka, a man came through the gate screaming pitifully and bleeding profusely. ..He was a Muslim daily labourer, called Kader Mia. He had come for some work in a neighbouring house – for a tiny reward – and had been knifed on the street by some communal thugs …But he had to go out in search of work and earnings because his family had nothing to eat. The penalty of that economic unfreedom turned out to be death.
The experience was devastating for him, and suddenly made him aware of the dangers of narrowly defined identities, and also of the divisiveness that can lie buried in communitarian politics. It alerted him to the fact that economic unfreedom, in the form of extreme poverty, can make a person helpless in the violation of other kinds of freedom.
A man’s death caused by separatism and poverty was one of the things that affected Sen to the degree of pursuing a life of economics.
Our childhood affects our adult decisions in positive and negative ways. Fortunately, we can break the cycle of violence and abuse to combat racism and misogyny. Like Mataio and Sarah Brown, who took action using the benefits of all fields including mercy, intuition, compassion, and nurturing to find a way to help others address and dismantle cycles of intergenerational trauma in their community caused by aggression in the home. They promote safe relationships and support for individuals and communities.
They say cycles repeat until one person dares to say, ‘This stops with me,’ says Matt from his barbershop chair. Matt shares his story of surviving his childhood cycle of family violence and abuse, and how his family were able to find healing and turn their lives around. He introduces the people and concepts that have helped him heal. Matt offers men a safe space to be seen and heard without judgment. Helping them to break free from the cycle of abuse
Those men inspired Matt and Sarah, to create the global anti-violence movement where they demonstrate the power of vulnerability and honesty in addressing pain and shame in She Is Not Your Rehab, and show how anyone can empower themselves by taking responsibility for their healing.
All energy has consciousness: To manage your life start by taking the action needed to manage your energy and empower the whole of you.
Each field offers different concepts that should be covered in the following post. However, if your questions are unanswered I will do so in #10.
These articles will be posted on my website at www.peacethroughcompassion.net/blog or find out
more at www.kayurlich.com/books
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