#10 The Golden Age of You

  • Kay Urlich

What you seek is seeking you.

Words are often inadequate to describe the mysterious and mystical life beyond this world. I long ago learned to write about what is true for me despite the contentious subjects dealt with through the content I’ve shared, irrespective of the disapproval received or the friends I lost.

So, with that understanding, and requests from clients who did understand the work, and wanted to know more, I started my first manuscript, some of which I have shared in these ten condensed articles. (Catch up with the articles at www.kayurlich.com/blog )

I write about what I know. About what I see, strange and wondrous that began when I was a child, and I can’t remember a time when I was not engaged with worlds beyond this one. Many people, understandably, found my books incomprehensible and could not grasp the enigmatic nature of their content: others were angry about the subjects covered and chose not to explore their meaning.

However, these posts and the six books I have written are real for me, for the words on paper are from the wisdom I link into and trust.

What is truth and what is fiction?

With recent world events, and the merging of truth and lies many people do not know what or who to believe in. The world has always been full of much misinformation. I felt the time was right to plant seeds for those who are open and ready for a different kind of alternative knowledge. Knowledge for those who would consider possibilities so out of this world, mysterious or outrageous, that they might deem them to be as true for them as they are for me.

For instance, sometimes I would find myself out of my body in space where a large capsule would come and meet me. They would open the door, and brilliant, glimmering light would radiate from within: I was never afraid, I loved being in the atmosphere and feeling of its mesmerising golden love. The intensity of the brightness did not hurt my eyes as the searing earth’s sun would have. I was aware that in this craft were three golden Beings who were so dazzling that they were formless and communicated telepathically.

What I remember most was that I was always asking them to take me home (to the Source). But each time they came back with same answer, “no, I was not ready”. I took that as having not healed enough or fulfilled my purpose here, that I had things to do, and at the time I didn’t know what it was.

However, this knowledge became clear and unavoidable as I began to experience more of the dark side of the world we live in, and I remembered who it was that stalked the inner orbits of the universe trying to control my mind, and all our minds.

They were polar opposites to the golden beings. I found there was evil lurking in the varying realms that had human form and were in groups. At first glance they looked to be an extremely handsome bunch. They were glamorous, like movie stars.  However, as one of the most handsome men I’d ever seen came toward me, on closer inspection I noticed his eyes shone with pure malice, I found him to be malevolent and vile, and he repulsed me.

Like a date with a psychopath, he approached with great charm trying to engage my mind by sending tiny fearful thoughts which alarmed me greatly. I found the only way to calm myself was to not react or show fear. Still not knowing what to do, I sat quietly in Love and surrender and told him and the dark ones to go away, and surprisingly they disappeared immediately.

I understood that showing fear would have weakened me and given them the power to enter my mind, emotions and spirit.

This understanding became very useful as I have used the power of love when healing clients some of whom are drug addicts. The same fear, caused by the over-use of drugs and alcohol weakens defences and lets darkness in.

Like Leon who had been sent by his concerned parents: he had taken a mixture of drugs such as Ecstasy, “P” or Methamphetamine, and GHB a natural mind-altering substance that he thought would be okay. Instead, he was depressed, he hadn’t had a good night sleep for years and he was distraught as his girlfriend had just walked out on him.

I found his inner-child energy outside his body and in limbo. The earth male energy was in darkness with no light at all and the dark being in him raced around his energy fields avoiding the love that would destroy it. The spiritual female was locked out of the body and the earth female was non-existent. These energies were found and rescued from a cave: Leon recognised this situation from his need to be rescued and to rescue the women in his life. We secured the inner-child and the spiritual female to activate compassion into the empty spaces.

Meanwhile, this took us back to the earth male energy field which had turned into a hissing, spitting black and red rage. It was unwilling to give up the space it had conquered through the drugs.

When aggression didn’t work this energy became cunning, conniving and manipulative. Finally, when it could not prevent the love and compassion from merging into the darkness, the malevolence retreated, and the energy transformed. This quickly converted into an acorn full of light, and a seed of new growth sprouted as a loving new consciousness appeared within him. (*From The Structure of Energy Fields, *FREE see the short-term book offer, details below)

What is outside us, is often a reflection of the energy fields inside us. We do not need to go to war with anyone we just need to heal the darkness, the illusion of form that we believe to be real and to transform that energy through love (see, *The Path to Peace in the Middle East).

I’m not suggesting anyone ‘sit in love’ and put themselves in physical danger, always look after yourself.

But, to deliver the message I had to fully understand what was the grip that held us here; why was it so hard to leave the illusions of this world that kept us stuck?

That is where the energy fields came in, for they are the vehicle that takes consciousness into form. They hold the many layers within, and the creations born from merging two polarities. It is their dysfunctional form that becomes the Matrix we are locked into, wherein to heal, we need to heal the trauma within male and female, earth, and spirit consciousness.


Image: Personal Energy Fields

Following is a condensed version of the personal and global Structure of Energy Fields:

Spiritual Male (pos.) the nurtured divine child, expanded wisdom and mercy, male spiritual action. (neg.) suffers trauma, dependent, constantly needs rescuing, poor me.

Earth Male (pos.) structure, thinker, explorer, mind, innovator. (neg.) hierarchal, aggressive, relentless attacker, conqueror, dominator, has no mercy unless connected to spiritual male energy.

Spiritual Female (pos.) divine love, divine mother, wisdom through compassion (neg) persecutor through criticism, judgment, the negative nurturer, unable to express love positively.

Earth Female (pos.) moon, tides, earth, rhythm, harmony, senses, emotion, nature (neg.) dependant, unable to protect herself or her children unless connected the spiritual female, victim, prone to self-pity.

Image: Global Energy Fields

To go beyond this world, we must extricate our attachment to our creations. To know what we are seeking is seeking us.  

Love eventually came for me, which I have written about in Peace Through Compassion *I Belong to Love.

My choice, and your choice is to decide to belong to love, or not. That is the Free-Will available to us now. Like the cocoon the Golden Ones first came to me in, your body, emotions, mind, and spirit is the vehicle to hold and express Divine Love in this world.

You hold the power.

Find out more, *access my ebooks FREE for a limited time on Amazon from February 11th Feb to 13th Feb 2025 only.

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